{{tag>charges Electroplating chapter1_2}} {{include_n>150}} #@TaskTitle_HTML@##@Lvl_HTML@#~~#@ee1_taskctr#~~ Charges in Electroplating #@TaskText_HTML@# To get a different metal coating onto a surface, often [[wp>Electroplating]] is used. In this process, the surface is located in a liquid, which contains metal ions of the coating. \\ In the following, a copper coating (e.g. for corrosion resistance) shall be looked on. The charge of one copper ion is around $1.6022 \cdot 10^{-19}~{\rm C}$, what is the charge on the surface if there are $8 \cdot 10^{22}~{\rm ions}$ added? #@PathBegin_HTML~1~@# \begin{align*} 8 * 10^{22} \cdot 1.6022 *10^{-19}~{\rm C} = 12'817.6~{\rm C} \end{align*} #@PathEnd_HTML@# #@ResultBegin_HTML~1~@# \begin{align*} 12'818~{\rm C} \end{align*} #@ResultEnd_HTML@# #@TaskEnd_HTML@#