{{tag>conversions battery chapter1_1}} {{include_n>100}} #@TaskTitle_HTML@##@Lvl_HTML@#~~#@ee1_taskctr#~~ Conversions: Battery #@TaskText_HTML@# 1. How many minutes could an ideal battery with $10~{\rm kWh}$ operate a consumer with $3~{\rm W}$? #@PathBegin_HTML~1~@# \begin{align*} W &= 10~{\rm kWh} &&= 10'000~{\rm Wh}\\ \\ t &= {{W }\over{P }} &&= {{10'000~{\rm Wh}}\over{3~{\rm W}}} \\ &&&= 3'333~{\rm h}= 200'000~{\rm min} \quad (= 139~{\rm days}) \end{align*} #@PathEnd_HTML@# #@ResultBegin_HTML~1~@# \begin{align*} t = 200'000~{\rm min} \end{align*} #@ResultEnd_HTML@# 2. Hard: Why is a real Lithium-ion battery with $10~{\rm kWh}$ not able to provide the given power for the calculated time? #@ResultBegin_HTML~2~@# There are additional losses: * The battery has an internal resistance. Depending on the current provided by the battery, this leads to internal losses. * The internal resistance of the battery is depending on the state of charge (SoC) of the battery. * The wires also add additional losses to the system. #@ResultEnd_HTML@# #@TaskEnd_HTML@#