{{tag> network_simplification exam_ee1_WS2022}} {{include_n>3000}} #@TaskTitle_HTML@##@Lvl_HTML@#~~#@ee1_taskctr#~~ Pure Resistor Network Simplification \\ (written test, approx. 13 % of a 60-minute written test, WS2022) #@TaskText_HTML@# The following circuit with $R_1=200 ~\Omega$, $R_2=R_3=100 ~\Omega$ and the switch $S$ is given. \\ {{drawio>electrical_engineering_1:70jjg4yzwctqarsqCircuit.svg}} 1. The switch shall now be open. Calculate the equivalent resistance $R_{\rm eq}$ between $\rm A$ and $\rm B$. #@PathBegin_HTML~1~@# {{drawio>electrical_engineering_1:70jjg4yzwctqarsqCircuitSolution1.svg}} The equivalent resistor is given by a parallel configuration of resistors in series: \begin{align*} R_{\rm eq} &= (R_2 + R_1 + R_1)||(R_2 + R_2)\\ R_{\rm eq} &= (100 ~\Omega + 200 ~\Omega + 200 ~\Omega )&&||(100 ~\Omega + 100 ~\Omega ) &&\\ R_{\rm eq} &= (500 ~\Omega )&&||(200 ~\Omega )&&\\ R_{\rm eq} &= {{500 ~\Omega \cdot 200 ~\Omega }\over{500 ~\Omega + 200 ~\Omega}}&&\\ \end{align*} #@PathEnd_HTML~1~@# #@ResultBegin_HTML~1~@# \begin{align*} R_{\rm eq} &= 142.8 ~\Omega \\ \end{align*} \\ #@ResultEnd_HTML~1~@# 2. The switch shall now be closed. Calculate the equivalent resistance $R_{\rm eq}$ between $\rm A$ and $\rm B$. #@PathBegin_HTML~2~@# Now a wye-delta transformation is necessary. {{drawio>electrical_engineering_1:70jjg4yzwctqarsqCircuitSolution2.svg}} Since $R_2=R_3$ and based on the equations for the transformation, the transformed $R_Y$ is given as: \begin{align*} R_{Y} &= {{R_2 \cdot R_2}\over{R_2 + R_2 + R_2}} \\ &= {{(100 ~\Omega)^2}\over{3 \cdot 100 ~\Omega}} \\ &= {{1}\over{3}} \cdot 100 ~\Omega = 33.33 ~\Omega \end{align*} The equivalent resistor is given by a parallel configuration of resistors in series: \begin{align*} R_{\rm eq} &= R_Y + (R_Y + R_1 + R_1)||(R_Y + R_2)\\ R_{\rm eq} &= 33.33 ~\Omega + (33.33 ~\Omega + 400 ~\Omega)||(33.33 ~\Omega + 100 ~\Omega)\\ \end{align*} #@PathEnd_HTML~2~@# #@ResultBegin_HTML~2~@# \begin{align*} R_{\rm eq} &= 135.3 ~\Omega \\ \end{align*} #@ResultEnd_HTML~2~@# #@TaskEnd_HTML@#