{{tag>resonance resonant_circuit RMS exam_ee2_SS2021}}{{include_n>1270}} #@TaskTitle_HTML@##@Lvl_HTML@#~~#@ee1_taskctr#~~ Resonant Circuit \\ (written test, approx. 4 % of a 120-minute written test, SS2021) #@TaskText_HTML@# Given a resonant circuit, that is fed by a linear voltage source (circuit diagram on the right). \\ The inductance $L$ and capacitance $C$ are fixed. The resistance $R$ can be varied. * $u_{\rm s} = 12{~\rm V} \cdot \sin (2 \pi \cdot f_0 \cdot t) $ * $R_i = 200~\rm m\Omega$ * $L = 20~\rm mH$ * $C = 30~\rm \mu F$ {{drawio>ee2:nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_question1.svg}} a) What is the resonance frequency $f_0$? #@HiddenBegin_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_11,Path~@# The resonant frequency $f_0$ is given as \begin{align*} f_0 = {{1}\over{ 2\pi \sqrt{LC} }} \end{align*} With the values: \begin{align*} f_0 &= {{1}\over{ 2\pi \sqrt{20 \cdot 10^{-3} ~\rm H \cdot 30 \cdot 10^{-6} ~\rm F} }} \\ &= 205.4681... \rm Hz \end{align*} #@HiddenEnd_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_11,Path~@# #@HiddenBegin_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_12,Result~@# $f_0 = 205.5 \rm Hz$ #@HiddenEnd_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_12,Result~@# b) How large must $R$ be, so that at resonance the voltage across the capacitor is $U_C = 4 \cdot U_{\rm s}$? (independent) #@HiddenBegin_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_21,Path~@# For the following calculation, the internal resistance $R_i$ and the resistance $R$ have to be combined: \begin{align*} R_\Sigma = R_i + R \\ \end{align*} Here, either one knows that the gain factor $Q$ stands for $Q={{U_C}\over{U_{\rm s}}}$ and therefore can directly use the following formula: \begin{align*} Q = {{U_C}\over{U_{\rm s}}} &= {{1}\over{R_\Sigma}} \sqrt{ {{L}\over{C}} } \\ R_\Sigma &= {{U_{\rm s}}\over{U_C}} \sqrt{ {{L}\over{C}} } \\ \end{align*} When the gain factor is not known, one has to derive it: \\ The voltage $I$ at resonance is only given by the total ohmic resistance $R_\Sigma$ and the source voltage $U_{\rm s}$: \begin{align*} I = {{U_{\rm s}}\over{R_\Sigma}} \end{align*} This current flow also through the impedance of the capacitor \begin{align*} U_C &= Z_C \cdot I \\ &= {{1}\over{\omega C}} \cdot I \\ &= {{U_{\rm s}}\over{\omega C R_\Sigma }} \\ \end{align*} At resonance, the angular frequency $\omega$ is given by $\omega= {{1}\over{\sqrt{LC}}}$. \\ \begin{align*} U_C &= {{U_{\rm s}}\over{{{1}\over{\sqrt{LC}}} C R_\Sigma }} \\ &= {{U_{\rm s}}\over{\sqrt{{{C}\over{L}}} R_\Sigma }} \\ &= {{U_{\rm s}}\over{R_\Sigma }} \sqrt{{{L}\over{C}}} \\ \end{align*} In both cases, we end up with the same formula, where we have to insert the physical values: \begin{align*} R_\Sigma &= {{U_{\rm s}}\over{U_C}} \sqrt{ {{L}\over{C}} } \\ &= {{1}\over{4}} \sqrt{ {{20\cdot 10^{-3} ~\rm H}\over{30\cdot 10^{-6} ~\rm C}} } \\ &= 6.4549...~\Omega \\ \end{align*} And so, the resistance $R$ is: \begin{align*} R &= R_\Sigma - R_i \\ &= 6.4549...~\Omega - 0.2~\Omega \\ &= 6.2549...~\Omega \end{align*} #@HiddenEnd_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_21,Path~@# #@HiddenBegin_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_22,Result~@# $R = 6.255~\Omega$ #@HiddenEnd_HTML~nYnieWAMxfShPuwt_22,Result~@# #@TaskEnd_HTML@#