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Exercise E2 Temperature-dependent Resistance
(written test, approx. 6 % of a 60-minute written test, WS2022)

A thermistor is used as a temperature sensor in a refrigeration system. The thermistor has a resistance of $10 ~\rm{k}\Omega$ at $+25 ~°\rm{C}$.
Its temperature coefficients are: $\alpha=0.01 ~{{1}\over{\rm{K}}}$ and $\beta=71 \cdot 10^{-6}~{{1}\over{\rm{K}^2}}$
The temperature inside the refrigeration system can reach down to $-40 ~°\rm{C}$.

1. Calculate the resistance of the thermistor at $-40 ~°\rm{C}$.


\begin{align*} R &= R_0 \cdot (1 + \alpha \cdot \Delta T + \beta \cdot \Delta T^2) && | \text{with } \Delta T = T_{\rm end} - T_{\rm start}\\ R &= 10 ~\rm{k}\Omega \cdot \left(1 + 0.01 ~{{1}\over{\rm{K}}} \cdot (-40~°\rm{C} - 25~°\rm{C} ) + 71 \cdot 10^{-6}~{{1}\over{\rm{K}^2}} \cdot (-40~°\rm{C} - 25~°\rm{C})^2 \right) \\ \end{align*}


\begin{align*} R &= 6.5 ~\rm{k}\Omega \\ \end{align*}

2. Additionally, explain which effect a resistive temperature sensor can have on the refrigeration system.


Resistors transfer electrical energy out of the circuit and generate heat. Therefore, a resistive sensor might heat up the refrigeration system.

3. Regarding question 2.: Given a constant sensor voltage, would a sensor with tenfold resistance be better or worse? Give an explanation for your answer.


The power of the resistor $P = U \cdot I = R \cdot I^2 = {{U^2}\over{R}}$ is equivalent to the heat flow.
Therefore, with constant $U$ and increasing $R$ the power decreases. Ten times more resistance decreases the heat flow to one-tenth.