

Conversion of the number systems

Simplifying Boolean expressions

Setting up the KNF and DNF

KV diagrams

Creating a KV diagram

Reading out the prime implicants of a KV diagram.

  1. First, determine what is being looked for:
    1. are you looking for minterms = conjunctive form? → „groups of 1s“ or
    2. are you looking for maxterms = disjunctive form? → „groups of 0s“.
  2. Search for the respective implicants (0s or 1s).
  3. Starting from the implicants, try to form a prime implicant (= area / group with the same binary value) as large as possible. „Don't care“ states (marked with „d.c.“, „-“ or „x“) may be considered as a suitable implicant. Note that only certain types of groups are allowed as prime implicants:
    1. The size of prime implicants can only be a power to the base 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, …).
    2. Only rectilinear implicants can be connected, or implicants that are not only adjacent across corners (e.g. ◨, ▣).
  4. When you have found all the largest possible prime implicants, then you need to check what dependencies they have on each other. Often there is a constellation of prime implicants that has the fewest terms.
  5. On the basis of the plotted prime implicants the logical function can be derived in equation form. In general, this can still be simplified (e.g. via definition of the XOR or De Morgan's law).

State machines

The following procedure is recommended for every rear state machine synthesis:

  1. Careful reading of the specifications
  2. Determine which specifications already exist, e.g.
    1. Type of automaton (asynchronous = Mealy automaton, synchronous = Medvedev automaton or Moore automaton)
    2. Type of flip-flops to be used (D-FF, JK-FF, SR-FF, …)
  3. Determining the input, state and output variables
  4. Determining the number of flip-flops required
    1. For Mealy/Moore automata via the number of different states
    2. For Medvedev automata via the maximum value to be output
  5. Setting up a state transition diagram
    1. For Mealy and Moore automata, the assignment of state to output values can be arbitrary.
    2. For Medvedev automata, the assignment of state values to output values is directly specified.
  6. Creating the state transition table from the state transition diagram.
    1. The column arrangement below is suitable.
      This means that the inputs and outputs for the different switching networks (transition and output network) are directly next to each other.
      Aktueller Zustand Eingangswert
      des Automaten
      Nächster Zustand Ausgangswert
      des Automaten
      Z2 Z1 Z0 X0 Z2' Z1' Z0' Y1 Y0
      0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
      0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
      0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

      Übergangsnetzwerk (ÜNW)
      des ÜNW
      Aktueller Zustand Eingangswert
      des Automaten
      des ÜNW *)
      Nächster Zustand

      Ausgangsnetzwerk (ANW)
      des ANW
      Aktueller Zustand nur bei Mealy:
      des ANW
      des Automaten
    • *) The output value of the transition network is only the next state if the switching mechanism is implemented on DD flip-flops. If the switching mechanism is not implemented on D-FF, a conversion to FF input values must be taken into account.
  7. The CT diagrams for the respective switching networks can be created from the columns for the transition network and output network.