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Exercise E1 Capacitor
(written test, approx. 12 % of a 120-minute written test, SS2024)

A $0.5 ~\rm m$ long coax cable is used for signal transmission. The diagram shows the cross-section of the coax cable with the origin in the center of the coax cable. Due to the given load, the following situation appears:

  • Inner conductor: $+3.3 ~\rm mA$, $+10 ~\rm nC$ (current into the plane of the diagram)
  • Outer conductor: $-3.3 ~\rm mA$, $ 0 ~\rm nC$ (current out of the plane of diagram)


1. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field strength $H$ at $\rm (-0.1 ~mm | 0)$ and $\rm (0.55 ~mm | 0)$?


The magnitude of the magnetic field strength $H$ can be calculated by: $H = {{I}\over{2 \pi \cdot r}} $

\begin{align*} H_{\rm i} &= {{I}\over{2 \pi \cdot r_{\rm i}}} \\ &= {{+3.3 A}\over{2 \pi \cdot { 0.1 \cdot 10^{-3}~\rm m}}} \\ H_{\rm o} &= {{I}\over{2 \pi \cdot r_{\rm o}}} \\ &= {{+3.3 A}\over{2 \pi \cdot { 0.55 \cdot 10^{-3}~\rm m}}} \\ \end{align*}

Hint: For the direction, one has to consider the right-hand rule. By this, we get that the $H$-field on the right side points downwards.
Therefore, the sign of the $H$-field is negative.
But here, only the magnitude was questioned!


  • $H_{\rm i} = 5.25... ~\rm A/m$
  • $H_{\rm o} = 0.955... ~\rm A/m$

2. Plot the graph of the magnitude of $H(x)$ with $x \in \rm [-0.6~mm, +0.6~mm]$ from $\rm (-0.6 ~mm | 0)$ to $\rm (0.6 ~mm | 0)$ in one diagram. Use proper dimensions and labels for the diagram!


In general, the $H$-field is proportional to ${{1}\over{r}}$



3. What is the magnitude of the electric displacement field $D$ at $\rm (-0.1 ~mm | 0)$ and $\rm (0.55 ~mm | 0)$?


\begin{align*} C &= \varepsilon_0 \varepsilon_r {{A}\over{d}} \\ &= 8.854 \cdot 10^{-12} ~\rm As/Vm \cdot 1 \cdot {{25 \cdot 10^{-6} {~\rm m} }\over{200 \cdot 10^{-6} {~\rm m} }} \end{align*}


$C = 1.1 ~\rm pF$

4. Plot the graph of the magnitude of $D(x)$ with $x \in \rm [-0.6~mm, +0.6~mm]$ from $\rm (-0.6 ~mm | 0)$ to $\rm (0.6 ~mm | 0)$ in one diagram. Use proper dimensions and labels for the diagram!


In general, the $D$-field is proportional to ${{1}\over{r}}$

