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ee2:task_yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_with_calculation [2024/07/07 04:26]
ee2:task_yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_with_calculation [2024/07/07 04:50] (aktuell)
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
 #@HiddenBegin_HTML~yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_11,Path~@# #@HiddenBegin_HTML~yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_11,Path~@#
 +Watch for parts of the magnetic circuit, where the width and material are constant. \\
 +These parts represent the magnetic resistors which have to be calculated individually. \\
 +Be aware, that every junction creates a branch with a new resistor, like for an electrical circuit - there must be a node on each "diversion".  
 +R_{\rm m} = {{1}\over{\mu_0 \boldsymbol{\mu_{\rm r}}}  }{\boldsymbol{l}\over{\boldsymbol{w}\cdot h}}
 {{drawio>ee2:yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_solution1.svg}} {{drawio>ee2:yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_solution1.svg}}
 #@HiddenEnd_HTML~yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_11,Path~@# #@HiddenEnd_HTML~yp4rbdlj8kktyrhp_11,Path~@#