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Exam Details

  • When the exam time is given e.g. as 11:30 be at least 11:15 there.
    The given time is the time, where the professor can start the exam. (S)he does not have to take into account late arrival.
    Therefore, being “just on time” or being late can cause, that you have less time for you tasks.
  • Please also go to the bathroom first, in order to have more time for te task during the exam.

Using the wrong aid is equal to cheating. So be sure, that you have prepared (with) the right aids.

  • There are only the approved aids allowed on the table
  • Move bags etc away from you (e.g. put them unter the table)
  • Turn of all communication equipment and put them into your bag

In my exams it is like the following:

  • CD: only non-programmable calculator
  • EE1: non-programmable calculator and 1 two-sided DIN A4 page and handwritten formulary (or 2 one-sided DIN A4 page and handwritten formulary)
  • DS: no aids allowed
  • You do not need additional paper. It is useful to have – beside a document-proven pen – also a ruler and coloured pencils with you.

Generally, examinators do not have to allow questions.

In my exams you are allowed to raise questions, but only about checking the given facts.

  • So, “why is the resistance given without unit?” would be a valid question and even a hint for me, that I might have done a mistake.
  • On the other hand, “can I use ohms law here?” is focussing on the solution path not on the facts.
  • You are obliged to stay in the exam room. Exiting the room is generally not allowed.
  • In the case of an emergency, the student has to ask the examinator. Therefore, raise the hand first before you stand up and exit the room.
    The examinator will come to you and discuss this with you.