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-~~REVEAL~~+====== 3. Linear sources and dipoles ======
-===== MathJax ===== 
-Inline math$\int f dx$+It is known from everyday life that battery voltages drop under heavy load. This can be seen, for example, when turning the ignition key in winterThe load from the starter motor is sometimes so great that the low beam or radio briefly cuts out. \
 +Another example are $1.5V$ batteries: If such a battery is short-circuited by a piece of wire, not so much current flows that the piece of wire glows, but noticeably less.
-Display math +So it makes sense here to develop the concept of the ideal voltage source further. 
-\[ +In addition, we will see that this also opens up a possibility to convert and simplify more complicated circuits.
-\int f dx +
-\[ +<imgcaption imageNo1 | passive two-pole
-U_A=\color{blue}{-U_D}-U_C +</imgcaption> 
-\] +{{drawio>PassiverZweipol}
-----+First, the concept of the two-terminal from the chapter [[preparation_properties_proportions#resistance_and_conductance|basics and basic concepts]] is to be expanded (<imgref imageNo1 >). 
-\[ +  As **passive two-terminal** in the following a two-terminal is called, which acts exclusively as a consumer. Thus it is valid for the passive two-terminal that the current-voltage-characteristic always runs through the origin (see also chapter [[simple_circuits#consumer|simple circuits]]). 
-U_A=\color{blue}{-U_D}-U_C +  **Active two-terminal circuits**, on the other hand, also act as generators of electrical energy. Thus, the current-voltage characteristic there __does not__ pass through the origin. Active dipoles always contain at least one source (i.e. at least one current or voltage source).
-----> +~~PAGEBREAK~~ ~~CLEARFIX~~
-\[ +
-U_A=\color{blue}{-U_D}-U_C +
-\] +
-----> +===== 3.1 linear sources =====
-\[ +
-U_A=\color{blue}{-U_D}-U_C +
-\] +
-----> +<callout>
-\[ +
-U_A=\color{blue}{-U_D}-U_C +
-\] +
-----> +=== Goals ===
-\[ +
-U_A=\color{blue}{-U_D}-U_C +
-\] +
 +After this lesson, you should:
 +  - Be able to describe the difference between an ideal and a linear voltage or current source.
 +  - Know and be able to apply the relationship between output voltage, source voltage $U_q$ and internal resistance $R_i$.
 +  - know and be able to apply the relationship between the current supplied, the source current $I_q$ and the internal conductance $G_i$.
 +  - be able to represent the voltage curve of the linear (voltage/current) source using open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current.
 +  - be able to determine the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current using two current/voltage measuring points.
 +  - Be able to explain the reason for the duality of current and voltage sources.
 +  - Be able to convert a linear current source into a linear voltage source and vice versa.
 +DC Voltage & Current Source Theory
 +==== practical example of a realistic source ====
 +<imgcaption imageNo2 | Battery model with load resistor>
 +</imgcaption> \\
 +{{url>https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=CQAgjCAMB0l3AWAnC1b0DYrTAZlwBwYCsGA7AEwK7G6RIIUj7jTEjUjECmAtGGABQAdxD8wTOgjEZpUqCLECmVSEonNI0yIIDO6lQjXimYMljUQAZgEMANru6Les8OYNuLemdNU-PUOAgtg5OAE7+8i6+RoEwQqJqUa7yOokB0QFpgfLKmtqCAA6BZhb5QWo6uGRJpu6W7hCVggDm4Bq5HbhlOtAgAEI2AC5DAMoAlgC2JSAqIAA6xUyVYswzAErcuuO6QwD2YQCidpPzumBnFPNhm9u7B8enurhnkNcAant2QzYt3I9nF7nKDzV5sV6g87waEQ2G6IyQsDguFvMHEQQIMBqAhqCiQAjtSRaIKDEYTaZvXQwdiUrHQuAgqlnBHncFM9nUxR5ToqSgKUS4OpYPKlBRAA 600,500 noborder}}
 +For the ideal voltage source it was defined that it always supplies the same voltage independent of the load. In <imgref imageNo2 >, in contrast, an example of a "realistic" voltage source is shown as an active two-terminal. \\
 +  - This active two-terminal generates a voltage of $1.5V$ and a current of $0A$ when the circuit is open.
 +  - If a resistor is added, the voltage decreases and the current increases. For example, a voltage of $1.2V$ is applied to the resistor of $2 \Omega$ and a current of $0.6A$ flows.
 +  - The terminals of the active two-terminal can be directly connected via the outer switch. Then a current of $3A$ flows at a voltage of $0V$.
 +This realization shall now be described with some technical terms:
 +  * One speaks of **open circuit** when no current is drawn from an active two-terminal: $I_{LL}=0$. \\ The voltage corresponds to the **open circuit voltage** $U=U_{LL}$ (English: OCV for Open Circuit Voltage). \\ The open circuit power is $P_{LL}=U_{LL} \cdot I_{LL} = 0$.
 +  * The term **short circuit** is used when the terminals of the two-pole are bridged without resistance. The current then flowing is called the **short-circuit current** $I=I_{KS}$. \\ The short-circuit voltage is $U_{KS}=0V$. \\ Also, the short-circuit power is $P_{KS}=U_{KS} \cdot I_{KS} = 0$.
 +  * In the region between no-load and short-circuit, the active two-terminal outputs power to a connected load.
 +Important: As will be seen in the following, the short-circuit current inside the two-terminal can cause considerable power loss and thus a lot of waste heat. Not every real two-terminal is designed for this.
 +<imgcaption imageNo3 | Current-voltage characteristic of a linear voltage source>
 +What is interesting now is the current-voltage characteristic of the circuit in <imgref imageNo2>. This can be seen in the simulation below. The result is a linear curve (see <imgref imageNo3 >).
 +From a purely mathematical point of view, the course can be represented by the basic equation of linear graphs with the y-axis intercept $I_{KS}$ and a slope of $-{{I_{KS}}\over{U_{LL}}}$:
 +I = I_{KS} - {{I_{KS}}\over{U_{LL}}}\cdot U  \tag{3.1.1} \end{align*}
 +On the other hand, the formula can also be resolved to $U$:
 +U = U_{LL} - {{U_{LL}}\over{I_{KS}}}\cdot I  \tag{3.1.2} \end{align*}
 +<callout icon="fa fa-exclamation" color="red" title="Remember:">
 +If a two-terminal results in a linear curve between $U_{LL}$ and $I_{KS}$, it is called a **linear source**. This curve describes in good approximation the behavior of many real sources. Often one finds synonymous to the term 'linear source' also the term 'real (voltage) source'. However, this is somewhat misleading as it is a simplified model for reality.
 +<imgcaption imageNo4 | equivalent circuit images of linear sources>
 +</imgcaption> \\
 +{{url>https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=CQAgjCAMB0l3AWAnC1b0DYqzAVgMz67IYYAcCyATBWSPlmNLiAviLgKYC0YYAUAAcQZSOADsWUSCriq4KFH4B3GVQQy5IJFlnzIK8GHlhJajaawGATuF1awu9YpgDV0y3YlXD0vV-8DdzF-HU19fgBzEG58eX9Y+LI6MQN8cTE+EzMPMwhU-gBnL09Hc0UIADMAQwAbQs4imLjvZvjnTJAa+sbVMs9E1qC28sHAwzGHewiAN3L-KmdFjVTWTOYXbFx+W2X5509U5n4AI3BKOxCkCCokFdPzjQY6W4hcSAjbTwRcrHwKFzHVSDH6ZLCgpTAlpseQg6TDMr-DSDJFKYoogEglqdboNJqIgFlGEVLp1PHpTLGegA6So-JKaJwsQgsIFYKsaRhCHDaQQonw3xiOl-AE2Lx88HY7BuIzyOlmVEIswQrkC4S0mliPkufgASxkCC1GA06i1cEU+EMprWIUN1Puqmt8pFDoNRpNdu5Vs9vw5BQAHtTwP8ZJALAgIBY6LVdQA7TjVawAHUKMwA9rUAC7VSKcFOFNMAV2sAGNGoGMHLkGo-rh5FGQDH44mUyXi9ZOLHM-mi6XyyByBJ5GR2KYWA2AJJJgCO-Ar4no4iQIjlZHr4DoU9ngbILCoYAskBeplYG5AAFUZ3ORMuEAcqXeFw3L9vwHdQ-FILpIOOzwAla8qEgBcgOPEI+FPMA6F1a8oLoCMbnNCMNAbADAyA+sgNDccqHYBsYMDKD4jYN8PXBM9z1g991GXICQjrSCInQhiEJkXAnwPSDN0A3BwTAWjK1YRZGKUdDaIYVgbnwW9-2vfAtRIu9WAQcioJANDWHYdQ3i0i4GwAGWvRSGIIVhcF-NTDLTEktUcdguG4OgkGgSReKoBywHYEIRHofhrJaekIwweyeCclyMDcjzRxkA1fJDLzpXAMQ-04QpdUKbNYzLfgQ1uQEIDAZLUvSzLsqAA 600,700 noborder}}
 +So what does the inside of the linear source look like? In <imgref imageNo4> two possible linear sources are shown, which will be considered in the following.
 +==== Linear voltage source ====
 +The linear voltage source consists of a series connection of an ideal voltage source with the source voltage $U_0$ (English: EMF for Electro-Magnetic-Force) and the internal resistance $R_i$.
 +To determine the voltage outside the active two-terminal, the system can be considered as a voltage divider. The following applies:
 +\begin{align*} U =   U_0 - R_i \cdot I  \end{align*}
 +The source voltage $U_0$ of the ideal voltage source is to be measured at the terminals of the two-terminal, if this is unloaded. Then no current flows through the internal resistor $R_i$ and there is no voltage drop there. Therefore: The source voltage is equal to the open circuit voltage $U_0 = U_{LL}$.
 +\begin{align*} U =   U_{LL} - R_i \cdot I  \end{align*}
 +When the external voltage $U=0$, it is the short circuit case. In this case, $0 = U_{LL} - R_i \cdot I_{KS}$ and transform $R_i = {{U_{LL}}\over{I_{KS}}}$. Thus, equation $(3.1.2)$ is obtained:
 +\begin{align*}  U =   U_{LL} - {{U_{LL}}\over{I_{KS}}} \cdot I \end{align*}
 +Is this the structure of the linear source we are looking for? To verify this, we will now look at the second linear source.
 +==== Linear current source ====
 +The linear current source now consists of a __parallel circuit__ of an ideal current source with source current $I_0$ and internal resistance $R_i$, or internal conductance $G_i = {{1}\over{R_i}}$. To determine the voltage outside the active two-terminal, the system can be considered as a current divider. Here, the following holds:
 +\begin{align*} I =   I_0 - G_i \cdot U  \end{align*}
 +Here, the source current can be measured at the terminals in the event of a short circuit. The following therefore applies: $I_{KS}= I_0$
 +\begin{align*} I =   I_{KS} - G_i \cdot U  \end{align*}
 +When the external current $I=0$, it is the no-load case. In this case, $0 = I_{KS} - G_i \cdot U_{LL}$ and transform $G_i = {{I_{KS}}\over{U_{LL}}}$. \\ Thus, equation $(3.1.1)$ is obtained:
 +\begin{align*} I =   I_{KS} - {{I_{KS}}\over{U_{LL}}} \cdot U \end{align*}
 +So it seems that the two linear sources describe the same thing.
 +==== Duality of linear sources ====
 +<imgcaption imageNo7 | duality of linear sources>
 +Through the previous calculations, we came to the interesting realization that both the linear voltage source and the linear current source provide the same result. It is true: For a linear source, both a linear voltage source and a linear current source can be specified as an equivalent circuit! As already in the case of the star-delta transformation, this not only provides two explanations for a black box. Also here linear voltage sources can be transformed into linear linear current sources and vice versa.
 +The <imgref imageNo7 > compares again the two linear sources and their characteristics:
 +  - The linear voltage source is given by the source voltage $U_0$, or the open circuit voltage $U_{LL}$ and the internal resistance $R_i$.
 +  - The linear current source is given by the source current $I_0$, or the short-circuit current $I_{KS}$ and the internal conductance $G_i$.
 +The conversion is now done in such a way that the same characteristic curve is obtained:
 +  - __From linear voltage source to linear current source__: \\ Given: Source voltage $U_0$, or open circuit voltage $U_{LL}$, internal resistance $R_i$ \Looked for: source current $I_0$, or short circuit current $I_{KS}$ , internal conductance $G_i$ \\ $\boxed{I_{KS} = {{U_{LL}}\over{R_i}}}$ , $\boxed{G_i = {{1}\over{R_i}}}$
 +  - __From linear current source to linear voltage source__: \\ Given: Source current $I_0$, resp. short-circuit current $I_{KS}$ , internal resistance $G_i$ __Sought: Source voltage $U_0$, resp. open-circuit voltage $U_{LL}$, internal resistance $R_i$ __$ $\boxed{U_{LL} = {{I_{KS}}\over{G_i}}}$ , $\boxed{R_i = {{1}\over{G_i}}}$
 +==== Operating point of a real voltage source ====
 +<imgcaption imageNo5 | Source and consumer characteristics>
 +</imgcaption> \\
 +{{url>https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=CQAgjCAMB0lwrFaYwGZVgCwA5P1ZAGyHYBMhqImAnCIppfAKYC0KAUAG4htikil4hHin59sUSZkh1JMmPHYAnEX3CkJLVGI2SwcSOwDuq-oOFazQqMaoTzPbQOuGA5nefCcA7BPnsAIxFMYX1+FkxMARIbFQIo8RB4zz04W1JSBN1kxMMTDKiHZIdDbgKBaQFM8EJ5cCoZCCboVEI0IWwwQnge+AB2PqRFIPIEyFpUeBlSPsQ8xx0Jb1z2d3KHdd85dOrM6d2XHYTaqqy-dgAPEWIQbBke28pCqIAXJgBnF4Add4BjAEslL8AK7-b7vABmAHslD93lDgUCmJcajI+hN4FEyFQKiA3p8fgDfkpQeDobD3gAbKEAQwAJijBOBsLQ+k1qPwsiBODSlP8aQFKUwlCiwIhSHAQLMBJAnuoQAB1f504WfGkAOwZ0G5vIA+gAlSSUSj8L4ABxAoUkLAE9QgADUAML2gDKAFFKQBbH5gH6kH6oH6YL5KADiSgRmo93ve8BDTtd0YDPzj7z6P0IPpD+o+-0+MKT719739YYjwKjXqD2Zp-0phcGkC+fubJYAVAAKGksAIASh+TfeTeTPy7Pd7baYAD0O79+0PW1MB8uR+9pK30yuFwPoIpMPprqjDxoJBAeUoDVAW+2x33wAOr+9A+9bxPp7Pe4+pveh4-n+u02XBch13dgoXACBCCiGR90IfhmBYaowFYJlpggpIwJAWgIBgrp4NYU9WGw20JnYIA 700,400 noborder}}
 +<imgref imageNo5 > shows the characteristics of the linear voltage source (left) and a resistive resistor (right). For this purpose, both are connected to a test system in the simulation: In the case of the source with a variable ohmic resistor, in the case of the load with a variable source. The characteristic curves formed in this way were described in the previous chapter.
 +<imgcaption imageNo6 | Determining the operating point>
 +The operating point can be determined from both characteristic curves. This is assumed when both the linear voltage source is connected to the ohmic resistor (without the respective test systems). In <imgref imageNo6 > both characteristic curves are drawn in a current-voltage diagram. The point of intersection is just the operating point that sets in. If the load resistance is varied, the slope changes in inverse proportion and a new operating point is established (light grey in the figure).
 +The derivation of the working point is also [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okt6oy4sF_A|here]] explained again in a video.
 +<imgcaption imageNo9 | Straight line arrays for source parameter variation>
 +The variation of the different source parameters will be briefly discussed.
 +\\ \\
 +For the linear current source, the source current $I_0$ and the internal conductance $G_i$ can be varied. This results in the straight line arrays in <imgref imageNo9 > above. The source current shifts the straight lines while keeping the slope constant. The internal conductance changes only the slope; this results in a straight line array around the intersection $I_0 = I_{KS}$. \\ Since an ideal current source should always supply the source current, its internal conductance $G_i=0$.
 +\\ \\
 +For the linear voltage source, the source voltage $U_0$ and the internal resistance $R_i$ can be varied. This results in the straight line arcs in <imgref imageNo9 > below. The source voltage shifts the straight lines while keeping the slope constant. The internal resistance changes only the slope; this results in a straight line array around the intersection $U_0 = U_{LL}$. \\ Since an ideal voltage source should always supply the source voltage, its internal resistance $R_i=0$.
 +<panel type="info" title="Task 3.1.1 Convert current source to voltage source"> <WRAP group><WRAP column 2%>{{fa>pencil?32}}</WRAP><WRAP column 92%>
 +<panel type="info" title="Task 3.1.2 Convert voltage source to current source"> <WRAP group><WRAP column 2%>{{fa>pencil?32}}</WRAP><WRAP column 92%>
 +===== 3.2 Conversion of any linear two-terminal =====
 +=== Objectives ===
 +After this lesson you should:
 +  - know that any linear circuit with two connections of ohmic resistors and sources can be understood as a linear current source or linear voltage source.
 +  - Be able to apply source conversion to more complicated circuits with multiple current sources or voltage sources.
 +  - know how to determine the open circuit voltage $U_{LL}$ and the short circuit current $I_{KS}$).
 +  - be able to calculate the parameters of the equivalent voltage source (internal resistance $R_i$ and source voltage $U_q$) of any linear circuit.
 +  - understand and be able to draw the graphical interpretation of voltage and current at the linear two-terminal in the form of a characteristic curve.
 +<imgcaption imageNo7 | Resistance of linear sources>
 +</imgcaption>  \\
 +{{url>https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=CQAgDOB0YzCsICMZICYaoOyYMxgByoBsAnCZkiAgCw5UCmAtIogFABuIJRIqcP3JJh4QI1CAlFQ4rAE5ceiYUMXKIyGKwDuC3vxV6RrVIh6pU1Q7wsH1265b6qz+sPaXOHt1gEsQOdCsA9TUoeHtggxx8Sw9wOX8YqKSncCRYCJT9SNS3HWjY5WoiQqN8rJ5ix1djUxAqqwa4uwBzL1TzR3x8NLc2htSB7t7WACMQIkQkOFiiOixUePHUcmme6hZeTEW3AA9eElicGjgexGj6pB6AGx8AO3oAQ1kAHQBnAGMAV1lZejuAC7vN4Aex+H3orH2JSQODMeFhJEuiBu9yerze7BB1wBjxa9GBYNkENYQA 700,400 noborder}}
 +In <imgref imageNo7 >, it can be seen that the internal resistance of the linear current source measured by the ohmmeter (resistance meter) is exactly equal to that of the linear voltage source.
 +If you look at the properties of the ohmmeter in the simulation, you will see that a measuring current is used there to determine the resistance value. This concept will still be part of the electrical engineering lab experiment on [[elektrotechnik_labor:1_widerstaende|resistor]]s in the 2nd semester.
 +However, a very large measuring current of $1A$ is used here. This could lead to high voltages or destruction of components in real setups.
 +\\ \\
 +Why is this nevertheless chosen so high in the simulation? Set the measuring current for both linear sources to (more realistic) $1mA$. What do you notice?
 +<imgcaption imageNo8 | circuit with two current sources>
 +The circuit in <imgref imageNo8 > shows this circuit again. The ohmmeter is replaced by a current source and a voltmeter, since only the electrical properties are important in the following. In this setup, it can be seen that the current through $G_i$ is just given by $I_i = I_0 + I_\Omega$ (node theorem). Thus, the two sources in the circuit can be reduced.
 +This should make the situation clear with a measuring current of $1mA$. The voltage at the resistor is now given by $U_\Omega = R \cdot (I_0 + I_\Omega)$. Only when $I_\Omega$ is very large does $I_0$ become negligible. The current of a conventional ohmmeter cannot guarantee this for every measurement.
 +<callout icon="fa fa-exclamation" color="red" title="Note:">
 +If resistors are to be measured in a circuit, at least one terminal of the resistor must be disconnected from the circuit. Otherwise, other sources or resistors may falsify the measurement result.
 +==== More complex example ====
 +<imgcaption imageNo9 | circuit with multiple sources>
 +But this knowledge can now be used for more complicated circuits. In <imgref imageNo9 > such a circuit is drawn. This is to be converted into a searched equivalent conductance $G_g$ and a searched equivalent current source with $I_g$.
 +**Important here**: Only two-terminals can be converted via source duality. This means that only 2 nodes may act as output terminals for selected sections of the circuit. If there are more nodes the conversion is not possible.
 +\\ \\ \\
 +  - As a first step, sources are to be converted in such a way that resistors can be combined after the conversion. In this example this is done by:
 +    - converting the linear voltage source $R_1$ and $U_1$ into a linear current source with $I_1={{U_1}\over{R_1}}$ and $R_1$ (or $G_1={{1}\over{R_1}}$)\\
 +    - converting the linear current source $R_4$ and $I_4$ into a linear voltage source with $U_4={{I_4}\cdot{R_4}}$ and $R_4$ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
 +  - In the second step, the linear voltage source $U_4$ formed in 1. with $R_4$ can be connected to the resistor $R_3$. From this again a linear current source can be created. This now has a resistance of $R_5 = R_3+R_4$ and an ideal current source with $I_5 = {{U_4}\over{R_3+R_4}}= {{I_4}\cdot{R_4}\over{R_3+R_4}} $.  \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
 +  - The circuit diagram that now emerges is a parallel circuit of ideal current sources and resistors. This can be used to determine the values of the ideal equivalent current source and the equivalent resistance:
 +    - ideal equivalent current source $I_g$: \begin{align*} I_g = I_1 + I_3 + I_5 = I_1 + I_3 + I_4\cdot{{R_4}\over{R_3+R_4}} \end{align*}
 +    - Substitute conductance $G_g$: \begin{align*} G_g = \Sigma G_i = {{1}\over{R_1}}+{{1}\over{R_2}}+{{1}\over{R_5}}={{1}\over{R_1}}+{{1}\over{R_2}}+{{1}\over{R_3+R_4}} \end{align*}
 +<callout icon="fa fa-exclamation" color="red" title="Note:">
 +<imgcaption imageNo63 | Spare voltage and current source>
 +</imgcaption> \\
 +{{url>https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=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-sd7jMEdzhfLyKr1MkZGGcTBuh4MCwYhodcYjQcBcgoNAUAoMAGAPAAlAB9AAZOlWDfXQP1EL9wHMSU2U4ABlPh4mkFDiEOToQAAM27YdmHRQCSLoVhSF0Gw+GIOgGxABDFw7AATej3hQJioFYSg2K8TjuL4l13EqHc2lMGTP3QtCSlCag5KI51-FQmMSNyL8XVQsJ9IUtTfBM3xDNtRI9JCayQzMvTDIItNGN8N5KOo2iLGQ+zRBMzCoJWHCBXoogQN0YDIOg554KQ6J2ESYMY0wn8-wA1xcQsZ4wm9LFVNxAJ+myDlUu5YqZAIhkYyKvKsKorsaLonQivkMr5HIkL+VOQDVCYUZ3noTj4q4LVcq5TomnS-9shqsI5Ly7JFo0xV8rKsJhhjdaKqDbkloAI0Iyo6n4PAoCCRSjv4YUQDqMAmEumRrowUi+CQLx+ECDxnWuyDciQKDgOYzRy2FITiGCNBcmYySeP4xcGGCI40GA39VFQaAiSUbpDybWALyvWAlxXNdEbArCOOgVHwFgDG4CxrDd2Aphm1gcdJ2Jp8X0Ri6UbRum1ngCCyhAKAmAolsuy7EdRzDZ8237TggA 600,400 noborder}}
 +Any interconnection of __linear__ voltage sources, current sources, and __ohmic__ resistors can be.
 +  * as a single, linear voltage source \\ ({{wpde>Thévenin theorem}}) or
 +  * as a single, linear current source \\ ({{wpde>Norton theorem}})
 +In <imgref imageNo63 > it can be seen that the three circuits give the same result (voltage / current) with the same load. This is also true when an (AC) source is used instead of the load.
 +==== Simplified determination of the internal resistance ====
 +<callout icon="fa fa-exclamation" color="red" title="Note:">
 +<imgcaption imageNo10 | equivalent resistance of ideal sources>
 +If only the equivalent resistance of a more complex circuit is sought, the following approach can be used:
 +  - Replace all ideal voltage sources by a short circuit \\ (= internal resistance of the ideal voltage source).
 +  - Replace all ideal current sources by an open contact \\ (= internal resistance of the ideal current source)
 +  - Add the remaining resistors to an equivalent resistance using the rules for parallel and series connection.
 +The equivalent circuits for the ideal sources can be seen via the circuit diagrams (see <imgref imageNo10 >).
 +Thus also the equivalent resistance of the complex circuit above can be derived quickly. \\
 +For the source current $I_0$ ideal equivalent current source resp. the source voltage $U_0$ ideal equivalent voltage source this derivation can not be used.
 +The reason that the internal resistance can be determined in this simple way will be explained in the next chapter [[analysis_of_dc_networks#superposition_methodsuperposition_principle|analysis_of_dc_networks: Superposition method]] is explained.
 +<imgcaption imageNo11 | Simplified determination of internal resistance>
 +<panel type="info" title="Task 3.2.1 Solving a circuit simplification I"> <WRAP group><WRAP column 2%>{{fa>pencil?32}}</WRAP><WRAP column 92%>
 +<panel type="info" title="Task 3.2.2 Solving a circuit simplification II"> <WRAP group><WRAP column 2%>{{fa>pencil?32}}</WRAP><WRAP column 92%>
 +<panel type="info" title="Task 3.2.3 Solution sketch for a more difficult circuit simplification"> <WRAP group><WRAP column 2%>{{fa>pencil?32}}</WRAP><WRAP column 92%>
 +<panel type="info" title="Task 3.2.4 3 short but interesting circuit tasks"> <WRAP group><WRAP column 2%>{{fa>pencil?32}}</WRAP><WRAP column 92%>
 +===== 3.3 Power at two poles and reference values =====
 +=== Goals ===
 +After this lesson, you should:
 +  - be able to calculate the source power and consumer power.
 +  - be able to distinguish between the optimisation objectives for power engineering and communications engineering.
 +  - be able to calculate the efficiency and utilization factor.
 +Power and efficiency have already been considered in [[preparation_properties_proportions#power_and_efficiency|1st chapter]] and [[simple_circuits#generator_and_load_reference_arrow_system|2nd chapter]] for a simple dc circuit. In the following, this will be analyzed again with the knowledge of two-terminals.
 +This is especially important for the fields of communications and power engineering. The goals here are different:
 +  - In __power engineering__, power transmission is the goal. Power is thus to be delivered without losses as far as possible.
 +  - In __communications engineering__, the focus is on information transmission. So that, for example, the best possible signal can be extracted from an antenna, the maximum power must be extracted here.
 +These two goals seem similar at first, but they are quite different, as will be seen in a moment.
 +==== Power measurement ====
 +<imgcaption imageNo12 | Power measurement on linear voltage source>
 +First, it is necessary to consider how to determine the power. The power meter (or wattmeter) consists of a combined ammeter and voltmeter.
 +In <imgref imageNo12 > the wattmeter with the circuit symbol can be seen as a round element with crossed measuring inputs.
 +The circuit also shows one wattmeter each for the (not externally measurable) output power of the ideal source $P_Q$ and the input power of the load $P_R$.
 +==== Power and reference variables in the diagram ====
 +<imgcaption imageNo13 | power adjustment>
 +</imgcaption> \\
 +{{url>https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=CQAgjCAMB0mQrFaB2AzADgJwIGyU1qpDvBPOiIgCyqUCmAtGGAFABuIVFATFZJxTBUqUUX0qj+MeCwDuA8MJCYcikZBYAnZaqEiweNaLBwN87pEFLe-PVC0hUF8MlVP+N43DmPn3ZNwgFjwB9vIGHqFcQaFmCv6B0Z4a2tzoViKedlKwkKzcYIlOIDgiVKUl6o4gABQAhgwARgCUAPQwcGAAVDWNDADGzT6eFTSBFXHuRhj6SpN+oTMxgXFjQbycxYUUGgDmlGk6B4KFkiwWyMeVlIajIAAKAPoAMsPizIFZc2-8FVmnk3QIhUjiBRlWxW4GzWCXsjXAulOYGQmCCBDhQUsvkomAgBnULAAHutwJBAmBUKiTNRwBQ2AB7AA2ABc6rs6AAdADOXPpAFdNP06ET1pl+KgkrR9BQAA702R0TTcgC2dGZioAlgA7XbDLF2CLgvUhcmGWEaGWg2YiJawiBSHxTOxO1z2VDIcWQa2+WxKe1hH1BcRTc2OsEgtYgwGZKKQ2IiqEgdCqHCqLCcWkgRnauh1TQi1OY1TIHj4DNgCgAVRF6E+p3SQTANIBIuY+lChV0yGbFAASq2iC5BFt0BB9IENQnk42INx0QUypn+8SiB4DI5iI3UeOQK9idx4FT1-48WBt0uE2hwH5R9epdeQABlYYN51eo0rw9JwLuiDoHsgNWK7IH+bgokm56nM+xJ8JcZ4UFQFKYmOD57o4mC0GeUoIOAEaZkBjgmNeP7roUzaBGhRCYeuRAnJBFAAJIsPS4CIP6hRzjkpj2rkeSiOSBIsfoYgGJh0AHowgjifAjBEbOGaoCwGAZrYcCcKYu51FyzKyBqAAmiraXUWp6dyvYvCwQA 700,400 noborder}}
 +The simulation in <imgref imageNo13 > shows the following:
 +  * The circuit with linear voltage source ($U_0$ and $R_i$), and a resistive load $R_L$.
 +  * A simulated wattmeter, where the ammeter is implemented by a measuring resistor $R_S$ (English: shunt) and a voltage measurement for $U_S$. The power is then: $P_L = {{1}\over{R_S}}\cdot U_S \cdot U_L$.
 +  * in the oscilloscope section (below).
 +    * On the left is the power ''P_L'' plotted against time in a graph.
 +    * On the right is the already known current-voltage diagram of the current values.
 +  * The slider ''Load resistance R_L'', with which the value of the load resistance $R_L$ can be changed.
 +Now try to vary the value of the load resistance $R_L$ (slider) in the simulation so that the maximum power is achieved. Which resistance value is set?
 +<imgcaption imageNo14 | current-voltage diagram, power-voltage diagram and efficiency-voltage diagram>
 +<imgref imageNo14> shows three diagrams:
 +  * Diagram top: current-voltage diagram of linear voltage source.
 +  * Diagram in the middle: source power $P_Q$ and consumer power $P_L$ versus delivered voltage $U_L$.
 +  * Diagram below: Reference quantities over delivered voltage $U_L$.
 +The two powers are defined as follows:
 +  * source power: $\, \, \large{ P_Q = U_0 \cdot I_L} $
 +  * consumer power: $\large{ P_L = U_L \cdot I_L} $
 +  - Both power $P_Q$ and $P_L$ are equal to 0 without current flow. The source power becomes maximum, at maximum current flow, that is, when the load resistance $R_L=0$. In this case, all the power flows out through the internal resistor. The efficiency drops to $0\%$. This is the case, for example, with a battery shorted by a wire.
 +  - If the load resistance becomes just as large as the internal resistance $R_L=R_i$, the result is a voltage divider where the load voltage becomes just half the open circuit voltage: $U_L = {{1}\over{2}}\cdot U_{LL}$. On the other hand, the current is also half the short-circuit current $I_L=I_{KS}$, since the resistance at the ideal voltage source is twice that in the short-circuit case.
 +  - If the load resistance becomes high impedance $R_L\rightarrow\infty$, less and less current flows, but more and more voltage drops across the load. Thus, the efficiency increases and approaches $100\%$ for $R_L\rightarrow\infty$.
 +The whole context can be seen in a [[https://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?running=false&ctz=CQAgjCAMB0mQrFaB2AzADgJwIGyU1qpDvBPOiIgCyoBQAbiALSY4gBMVkzr4VVUQV0qDuMeLQDuIKhTD8QveQMi0ATorbLwePivBxV09pDkLO3bao2oT4ZG1vcLgsHCkgnHZOw6nvvkY6zj46AVAeLGzsoVEcwtYc6GYCLlZIhmC07GC+NL44AvwUYp5+hnAAVAAUAIZMAEYAlDUNTADGTR4uhTK2IL1BXtoYAlYeXjG+o+FB+Rycfb65JbQA5pTsFLzwW+C5ESbImxS9uxSyMiAACgD6ADLdwmAHaQpBPanPB0PoArwzcbSebsRYg0KqBrMFb7ZbITAcAgRKEmCj9eCYCBgQa0AAeCwMyxwWIQVzAFAAygAHWoAO1pAFdaWsAM4ARwZAFMADbczl4hapbjwSDHdioMkUe6cgCWLIALkzWQBbTksllKgA6LNqyu1ADVOWoGmpagz2gALI3dfzabGWd42ihTYKzWhUzx-PSe1KhCBiCZ2EZBhwRVDIbhEMYKYYKf0RaSTYSTCETL28ea8X6+vL9F2qfGgkDoNihrCSkDcmW0zm1NT8-E4aLEEDIZ34CsAVQF6F8OV8yQ4YGo4ECApeYz97C0yBH5JAACVx0R7HJ+uSIGNfDKBVtoi9Ec75BWl-iiM5sZ4WzkEVuQI9Cxj9tFkFiwLfwBRT94JblnOgsXFMlfApbpBxGSBoxUAVUCfXtPFfYs5wobsz0QksEIRcs71A-EuGOd8LjACUTE3Ud7xgzBfyomRSXfNgxhQmC3FHaZL1yOdfAfK9f0vIg5HfCsAEk0wEOJ5jiVRw24Jh13eb14wLQVoVCeAcF8JhsQ-edpTlRVmRZVV1S1HVaW1AATI1tWqGVLNqPlaSabUAEUuV5fkUX8TTdAxCAmD2VQjhOaE9nOaEFAEO5nPWYK4jCph0ADaRLxdS8mBxaRZI0gEvUkyJEpCi5+k0gLsgOCSYWKaFMECMoTAqSAanqZomo6LoNCy70EodfQYEySIlAUbrvSCYaSooYagWYOSxOKrMPBS2JeHzDwJN6NKMtcCKUkOA4cFiF4CkHTTQ2cEAGgAejqTUqT6sAug2BwJoKp7mEuIJ4phfaNJhIJvsKgYDp+Dwwt6f7NvBgR-uGwLRVbHAJsO1tcqRgROXlWpaChQoZPtVtMARfzVkbKg-LAdDUDJhGKwAdRlNQAGslRZNZTUstRlRleV5W5JVaAAezKQYZGxPJoAJiXJalzBOW88BZfJwRpk8AXWyxIR8BKaB1MQGB1d8RC6EF3ZwA1pFdegCA+3AXXaAwK5LDgWinfuWoFUkWyjQVOlzO1BcHloIA|extensive Simulation]] will be analyzed again.
 +==== The reference values efficiency and utilisation rate ====
 +In order to understand the lower diagram in <imgref imageNo14 >, the definition equations of the two reference quantities shall be described here again:
 +The **efficiency** $\eta$ describes the delivered power (consumer power) in relation to the supplied power (power of the ideal source):
 +\begin{align*}\eta = {{P_{out}}\over{P_{in}}} = {{R_L\cdot I_L^2}\over{(R_L+R_i) \cdot I_L^2}} 
 +\quad \Rightarrow \quad \boxed{ \eta = {{R_L}\over{R_L+R_i}} }
 +The **efficiency** $\varepsilon$ describes the delivered power in relation to the maximum possible power of the ideal source. Here, the currently supplied power is not assumed (as in the case of efficiency), but the best possible power of the ideal source, i.e. in the short-circuit case:
 +\begin{align*}\varepsilon = {{P_{out}}\over{P_{in,max}}} = {{R_L\cdot I_L^2}\over{{U_0^2}\over{R_i}}} = {{R_L\cdot R_i \cdot I_L^2} \over {U_0^2}} = {{R_L\cdot R_i \cdot \left({{U_0}\over{R_L+R_i}}\right)^2} \over {U_0^2}} 
 +\quad \Rightarrow \quad \boxed{\varepsilon = {{R_L\cdot R_i } \over {(R_L+R_i)^2}} = {{R_L} \over {(R_L+R_i)}}\cdot {{R_i} \over {(R_L+R_i)}}} 
 +In __power engineering__ a situation close to (1.) in <imgref imageNo14 > is desired: maximum power output with lowest losses at the internal resistance of the source. Thus, the internal resistance of the source should be low compared to the load $R_L \gg R_i $. The efficiency should go towards $\eta \rightarrow 100\%$.
 +In __communications engineering__, one situation is different and corresponds to situation (2.): The maximum power is to be taken from the source, without consideration of the losses via the internal resistance. For this purpose, the internal resistance of the source (e.g., a receiver) and the load (e.g., the downstream evaluation) are matched. This case is called **{wpde>power matching| power matching or resistance matching}}**. The utilization factor here becomes maximum: $\varepsilon = 25\%$
 +The power adjustment is also [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJLlXUD6CsM|here]] explained again in a video.