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3. Combinatorical Logic

introductional example

Abb. 1: Simulation of a 7-segment encoder and display

The combinatorial logic shown in <impref pic1> enables to output distinct logic values for eacht logic input. When you change the input nibble you can see that the the correct number appears on the 7-segment-display. By clicking onto the bits of the input nibble, you can change the number.


  1. Which output $Y_0$ … $Y_6$ is generated from the input nibble 1000? Which from 1001?
  2. Is the output only depending on the input? Is there a dependance on the histroy?

Up to now, we looked onto simple logic circuits. Thes are relatively easy to analyze and synthesize (=develop). The main question in this chapter is: how can we set up and optimize logic circuits?

In the following we have a look onto combinatorical circuits. These are generally logic circuits with

  • $n$ inputs $X_0$, $X_1$, … $X_{n-1}$
  • $m$ outputs $Y_0$, $Y_1$, … $Y_{m-1}$
  • no „memory“, that is: a given set of input bits results in a distinct output

They can be description by

  • truth table
  • boolean formula
  • hardware description language

The ladder one is not in the focus of this course.

The applications range:

  • (simple) half/full adder
  • digital comparators (logic circuit to compare 2 values)
  • Multiplexer / demultiplexer
  • Arithmetic logic units in microcontrollers and processors
  • much more

In order to understand the synthesis of a combinatoric logic we will follow a step-by-step example for this chapter.

Imagine you are working for a company called „mechatronics and robotics“. One costumer wants to have an intelligent switch as input device connected to a microcontroller for controlling an oven. For this project „Therm-o-Safety“ he needs a combinatoric logic:

  • The intelligent switch has 4 user selectable positions: $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$
  • Additionally there are 2 non-selectable positions for the case of failure.
  • The output $Y=1$ will activate a temperature monitoring.
  • The temperature monitoring has to be active for $3$ and $4$ and in case of a major failure. A major failure is for example, when the switch position is unclear. In this case the input of the combinatorial circuit is „ON“.
  • There are no other cases of inputs.

This requirements are put into a truth table:

Abb. 2: Therm-o-Safety truth table introduction_to_digital_systems:tostruthtable1.png

Abbildung 2 shows one implementation of this requirements. The inputs 001011 represent the inputs $1$…$4$. The cases of failure are coded with 110 and 111.
The output $Y$ is activated as requested. For the two combinations 000 and 101 there is no output value defined. Depending on the requierements for a project these shall either better be 0 or 1 or the output of these does not matter. We had this „does not matter“ before: the technical term is „I don't care“, and it is written as a - or a x.

By this, we have done the first step in order to syntesize the requested logic.

Now, we want to investigate some of the input combinations (= lines in the truth table). At first, we have a look onto the input combination 011, where the output has to be $Y=1$.

If this input combination would be the only one for the output of $Y=1$, tha following could be stated:
„$Y=1$ (only) when the $X_0$ is $1$ AND $X_1$ is $1$ AND $X_2$ is $0$ “. It can also be re-arranged to:
„$Y=1$ (only) when the $X_0$ is $1$ AND $X_1$ is $1$ AND $X_2$ is not $1$ “.

This statement is similar to $X_0 \& X_1 \& \overline{X_2}$. The used conjuntion resuts only in $1$, when all inputs are $1$. The negation of $X_2$ takes account of the fact, that $X_2$ has to be $0$.

Abb. 3: Therm-o-Safety truth table - first analysis introduction_to_digital_systems:tostruthtable2.png

Abbildung 3 shows the boolean expression for ths combination. In Abbildung 4, this boolean expression is converted into a struction with logic gates.

Abb. 4: logic circuit for the combination '100'

With the same idea in mind, we can have a look for the other combinations resulting in $Y=1$. These are the combinations 100 and 111:

  • For 100 The statement would be: „$Y=1$ (only) when the $X_0$ is $0$ AND $X_1$ is $0$ AND $X_2$ is $1$“. Similary to the combination above this leads to: $\overline{X_0} \& \overline{X_1} \& {X_2}$.
  • For 111, the boolean expression is ${X_0} \& {X_1} \& {X_2}$.


  • Each row in a truth table (=one distinct combination) can be represented by a minterm or maxterm
  • A minterm is the conjunction (AND'ing) of all inputs, where unter ceratin instances an negation have to be used
  • In a minterm an input variable with 0 has to be negated, in order to use it as an input for the AND.
    e.g. $X_0 = 0$ AND $X_1 = 1 \quad \rightarrow \quad \overline{X_0} \& X_1$

Abb. 5: Therm-o-Safety truth table - sum of products introduction_to_digital_systems:tostruthtable3.png

In Abbildung 5 all minterms for $Y=1$ are shown. The Abbildung 6 depicts all the logic circuits for the three minterms. These lead to the outputs $Y'$, $Y''$, and $Y'''$.

Abb. 6: logic circuit for the combinations '100', '110', '111'

For the final step we have to combine the single results for the minterms. The output has to be $1$ when at least one of the minterms is $1$. Therefore, the minterms have to be connected disjunctive:

\begin{align*} Y &= Y' & | Y'' & | Y''' \\ Y &= (X_0 \& X_1 \& \overline{X_2}) & | (\overline{X_0} \& \overline{X_1} \& {X_2}) & | ({X_0} \& {X_1} \& {X_2}) \\ \end{align*}

Abb. 7: logic circuit for therm-o-safety

When we analyze a single combination in order to output one single output we can combine all inputs

Analysis of the „Canonical normal form“

  • Sum of minterms: $$
  • disjunctive normal form (DNF)
  • Product of maxterms
  • conjunctive normal form (CNF)

interactive example

Exercise 3.1.x Further Querstions

  1. compare the results with the output given here (the output $y$ can be changed by clicking onto it)