Exercise 3.5.1 inverting amplifier

1. Derive the voltage gain $A_{\rm V}= {{U_{\rm O}}\over{U_{\rm I}}}$ for the inverting amplifier.
Use the procedure that was used for the non-inverting amplifier.

  • What is looking for?
  • Number of variables?
  • Number of necessary equations?
  • Establishing the known equations
  • Derivation of the voltage gain

Take into account that for the differential gain $A_\rm D$ of the ideal OPV applies: $A_\rm D \rightarrow \infty$. And the following also applies: $1/A_\rm D \rightarrow 0$
But the following doesn't always apply: ${{C}\over{U_x \cdot A_\rm D}} \rightarrow 0$, for an unknown constant $C$ and a voltage $U_x$!

2. Which type of amplifier circuit (inverting or non-inverting amplifier) has the lower input resistance? Why?