Exercise 3.5.2. Variations of the non-inverting amplifier

Below you will find circuits with an ideal operational amplifier, which are similar to the non-inverting amplifier and whose voltage gain $A_V$ must be determined.


  • $R_1 = R_3 = R_4 = R$
  • $R_2 = 2 \cdot R$
  • $U_\rm I$ comes from a low-resistance source
  • $U_\rm O$ is due to a high-resistance consumer


  1. Enter the voltage gain $A_\rm V$ for each circuit. A detailed calculation as before is not necessary.
  2. For Figure 7, indicate how the voltage gain can be determined.
  3. Generalize with the following justifications:
    1. How has a short circuit of the two OPV inputs must be taken into account?
    2. How do resistances have to be considered in the following cases:
      1. with one terminal (so „one connector“) directly and exclusively on an OPV input,
      2. with both terminals each directly connected to an OPV input.
  4. In which circuits do resistors $R_3$ and $R_4$ represent an unloaded voltage divider?

To approach the problems, you should try to use the knowledge from the inverting amplifier. It can be useful to simulate the circuits via Falstad-Circuit or Tina TI. In the first two circuits, tips can be seen under the illustration as support.

Important: As always in your studies, you should try to generalize the knowledge gained from the task.


  • How big is the current flow into the inverting and non-inverting input of an ideal operational amplifier? So what voltage drop would there be across a resistor whose one connection only leads to one input of the operational amplifier ($R_3$)?
  • The operational amplifier always tries to output as much current at the output that the required minimum voltage $U_\rm D$ results between the inverting and non-inverting input. How high can $U_\rm D$ be assumed? Can this voltage also be built up via a resistor ($R_4$)?
  • Can different resistors (e.g. because they are between the same nodes) be combined?

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Abb. 9