Subject Recognition and Approval
What we need
To start the process of getting a mark from another university approved, the following things are needed.
- The recognition document
This can be downloaded here. Alternatively, the course director (Studiengangsleiter) is also able to give it to you. - An official certificate stating the mark/grade of the subject.
- An official document stating the ECTS of the subject.
When the previous university cannot provide the ECTS grading (e.g. the university was not located in the EU)- please provide theCourse_credit score of your country
- or another official document stating the specified contact hours (hours with the professor/lecturer) and the expected hours for homework.
- An official document stating the content of the subject.
the Process
After getting your information, we will check the following:
- Does the German Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs recognize the former university?
- Is the level of qualification of the former course similar to what we provide here?
- Is the former course comparable regarding the learned competencies?
- Is the former course comparable regarding the level of practice?
After this check, you will get feedback on to which extent the courses in question can be recognized.